Derechos de los pueblos indígenas en la acción climática bajo amenaza

8 Nov 2021 - 00:03

Evento es organizado por el Grupo Internacional de Trabajo sobre Asuntos Indígenas (IWGIA) con el Pacto de los Pueblos Indígenas de Asia (AIPP) y la Federación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de Nepal (NEFIN).

Desafíos de los pueblos indígenas de cara a la COP26

21 Oct 2021 - 15:35

La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP26) se desarrollará del 31 de octubre al 12 de noviembre de 2021 en un contexto realmente dramático para la humanidad.

Statement on the military coup in Myanmar

2 Feb 2021 - 10:36

The process of democratic transition in Myanmar stalled and civil society, including Indigenous Peoples organisations are at risk of being removed from decision-making process

Strengthening the security of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic

13 Ene 2021 - 10:13

What the pandemic has highlighted is the critical importance of the work that Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs) perform daily in their communities.

Thailand: Karen villagers win lawsuit against mining company

21 Sep 2017 - 11:57

After 19 years of dispute, Karen villagers from lower Klity village in Kanchana Buri, Thailand, won a lawsuit against a lead mining company.