indigenous rights

Northern consumers finance assault on brazilian Amazon and its peoples

12 Sep 2018 - 10:08

Brazilian politicians pushing environmental and rights rollbacks gain direct economic benefits from these policy changes that allow them to produce more agricultural commodities for the global market

Indigenous Peoples innovative process of establishing UNPFII and IWGIA's role in it

3 Sep 2018 - 10:08

Since the establishment of the Forum, many UN bodies have adopted specific policies related to indigenous peoples and developed specific programmes targeting indigenous people

Alemania: The Paris Agreement does not recognize indigenous rights

17 Nov 2017 - 20:20

On the final day of the UNFCCC COP23, the Indigenous Environmental Network and its allies face a long road to have Indigenous Rights upheld in Climate Accord.

Indigenous Peoples' Day: More visibility pairs with harder criminalisation

10 Ago 2017 - 02:24

Only in 2015, a third of the murders related to territorial defense were indigenous leaders from Latin America. This escalation of violence is not accidental, given the fact..

Argentina: Mapuche leader found "not guilty" in unprecedented trial

14 Nov 2015 - 00:30

Relmu Ñamku and Martín Maliqueo talking to the Press. Photo: Ruben Curricoy Nañko