Indigenous Peoples call for climate action amidst global pandemic
7 Oct 2020 - 11:40Indigenous Peoples are concerned by the fact that vital climate negotiations for the planet’s survival have been postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Impact of renewable energy projects on Indigenous communities in Kenya
5 Feb 2020 - 00:46The two renewable energy projects examined in this report have employed questionable practices in their respect for the territorial rights of Indigenous residents.
Indigenous peoples raise concerns at UN Climate Meeting in Abu Dhabi
7 Ago 2019 - 10:00Indigenous peoples constitute only five per cent of the world’s population, but 80 % of the planet’s remaining biodiversity is found on indigenous peoples’ lands and territ...
Do indigenous peoples hold the key to saving Myanmar’s remaining forest?
1 Mar 2019 - 10:53In 2016, the country’s remaining forests covered 43 per cent of the land, but recently, the speed of deforestation has increased significantly.
The voice of the forests in Katowice
3 Dic 2018 - 10:10Following is the agenda of parallel events and press conferences of COICA, AIDESEP and other indigenous organizations in COP24