
Nueva ola de acaparamiento de tierras

28 Mar 2024 - 20:03

El gobierno de Tanzania se encuentra empeñado en facilitar una nueva ronda de inversiones extranjeras en agronegocios, advierte un informe de GRAIN.

Miles de familias masáis claman ayuda para evitar desalojo masivo

10 Mayo 2022 - 11:16

Gobierno de Tanzania ha amenazado con desalojarlas para beneficiar a una empresa. Red de campañas busca evitarlo juntando dinero para impulsar un proceso judicial.

Masaai de Ngorongoro resisten desalojo por gobierno de Tanzania

15 Feb 2022 - 20:26

Los maasai de Ngorongoro acusan al gobierno de utilizar la conservación de la vida silvestre como pretexto para desalojarlos y liberalizar tierras y favorecer a la inversión privada.

Indigenous women in Africa are making their messages of equality and empowerment Heard

13 Mar 2020 - 09:54

Yet they are very strong, united and full of self-initiative. Together they are capable of standing up for their rights and bringing change in their communities.

Half a million of indigenous peoples' livelihoods threatened in Tanzania

24 Mayo 2018 - 16:10

While Tanzania’s indigenous peoples face all these threats, the Maasai peoples are especially experiencing that their land is confiscated in the name of conservation

África: Tanzania government stops violations of the Maasais in Loliondo

23 Nov 2017 - 02:46

Now, the government in Tanzania is taking important steps to solve the conflict in Loliondo by addressing the situation and the violations that have been committed

Forced evictions of Maasai people in Loliondo, Tanzania

4 Sep 2017 - 10:09

Families are being separated, and many people are now suffering from psychological trauma because of the evictions and harassment. The evictions are creating food insecurity..