
The value of indigenous tree species in Ethiopia

11 Abr 2019 - 08:51

The community does not allow trees to be cut until they have reached maturity. When they do get cut down, they must always be replaced.

Indigenous organisations outraged by Ethiopia's government land deal with iconic land grabbing company

24 Mayo 2018 - 15:30

Despite these findings, news about a new lease of 25.000 hectare land offered to the Indian owned Karuturi Global company has once again brought fear to the local communities

Violencia étnica estalla en Etiopía con origen turbio

24 Nov 2017 - 00:16

La animosidad entre distintos grupos étnicos en Etiopía ya dejó a cientos de miles de personas desplazadas, además de hogares de matrimonios mixtos destruidos.

On the ground in Ethiopia

3 Oct 2017 - 00:05

In the Somali region of Ethiopia, rains have failed for the third consecutive year. The death of many livestock has caused a breakdown in pastoral livelihoods, contributing...