– A report of the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion at COP20 expresses the voices, demands, analysis, accounts and proposals made by indigenous peoples to confront the global climate crisis.
Servindi, 5 November, 2015.- On Monday 2nd of November, in the PUCP Cultural Center in Lima, the publication "Visions and Climate proposals of the Indigenous Peoples" was presented.
The book compiles the experience of the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion at the UNFCCC-COP20 held in Lima in December 2014.
The book presentation was organized by the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Ministry of the Environment of Peru (MINAM).
This publication is part of the COP20 Indigenous Pavilion Project developed by COICA and AIDESEP, supported by MINAM, funded by the Norwegian government and managed by the UNDP.
The book expresses the voices and proposals of the various indigenous organizations that participated in the Indigenous Pavilion at the COP20 and its many related events.
From left to right: Carlos Loret de Mora, representative of the MINAM Public Front; Henderson Rengifo, President of AIDESEP; Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of the MINAM; James Leslie, UNDP representaive in Peru; and Alberto Pizango, former president of COP20 Indigenous Caucus. Photo: Servindi
"It's not just a book, is more than that because it expresses the voices, demands, analysis, reports, proposals and dreams of the indigenous peoples to confront the climate crisis, which is also territorial, environmental, social and cultural" says an introductory text.
"How was it possible that we had to wait nineteen UN climate conferences to have our own space? Are we not the sons of Mother Earth, the indigenous peoples, the true guardians of the forest?", asked Edwin Vásquez, General Coordinator of COICA.
"This is a great first step. The future is in the hands of the territorial indigenous organizations in the Amazon together with the Abya Yala Indigenous Forum (FIAY), the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (FIPIIC / IIPFC) and the Global Caucus of Indigenous Peoples which meets during the COP-UNFCCC", he concluded.
Roberto Espinoza Llanos, head of AIDESEP Climate Change Program was in charge of the edition of the book.
Climate commitment
The book launch took place in the framework of the Third Climate Commitment Week, organized by the Ministry of Environment from November 2 to 6, with the aim of generating a space for discussion and exchange of experiences in regard to the nearing Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change of 2015, cop21 / CMP11 in December in Paris.
The book can be downloaded from this link [Spanish, PDF, 240 pages, 45 MB]: https://ia601508.us.archive.org/28/items/Aidesep2015/LibroPabellonIndigenaCOP20.pdf